Audience Theories

The first theory is the hypodermic needle theory
and this is the theory that audiences sit, watch/listen/read information and just consume it all without even noticing.

The second theory is the two step flow theory this is when media text doesn’t go directly to an audience but first through an “influencer” . This is usually a celebrity, hencecelebrity endorsement when a celebrity says they use a certain product or wear certain clothes this theory says it is more likely to persuade the audience too buy it.

The third theory is the uses & gratification this is when the audience themselves decide what information they want to believe and consume. This is more objective as they are open to ideas whereas the hypodermic needle theory is more subjective.

To the media there are two types of audience, passive and action . Being passive means you will believe anything you’re told whereas active means you will question things, have your own opinion and then decide for yourself wether you believe it or not.
media triangle
In media there is always a “media triangle”. producer, text, audience , without one of these there is no media.


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